Learning New Things


Guest Blogger: Prabina Ghataney

As part of Senior English class, students have been asked to create a series of blog posts. They can choose from a variety of topics that matter to them or use it as a diary of sorts to share what they have learned from their experiences. We are happy to be able to share some of the best posts with you.

“Have you ever been scared of trying something new? Did you ever feel like you wouldn’t be able to do something? That was me until I came to highschool and tried out for gymnastics. I had never thought of trying out for gymnastics because of my fear of heights. I have learned that gymnastics is not only a sport but it also helps so many people with their personal life. When you are on the mat you get to learn so many skills from your team and your coaches. 

For example, if you are a topper then you learn to balance yourself in the air and your body will be flexible as well. And for the bases, you learn to do things on timing like holding your topper in the air with another person. Gymnastics teaches you to trust your teammates and to work together because if there is no trust and teamwork then the things you need to do won’t be done. Gymnastics also teaches you to work hard. When you are unable to do something, a two-high for example, then you work with your bases to get better on it. You learn to help each other out. When you are learning a new skill and if you keep failing then it teaches you to accept that failure as a lesson and also helps you succeed. 

In gymnastics you might think your body is the only thing that affects your performances, but you would be wrong. Your mental health, your attitude whether it’s good or bad, and your physical ability will also have an impact. Gymnastics is also a sport where you will fall again and again but then you learn to pick yourself right back up. 

Gymnastics has helped me in so many ways. For example when I’m having a rough day and go do gymnastics it helps me not to think about my problems. You get so busy learning new skills and making a routine that you don’t even have the time to think about other things. Gymnastics teaches you to be determined. It teaches you to be willing to learn new skills, face your fears, and accomplish your goals. The workout and the training you have to do for gymnastics will be hard, but if you really want to continue with gymnastics you have to be determined.”




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